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Fusion Live Class Replay

Below is the recording from this week's Fusion Live Class.​


I've included the video timestamps below if you simply want to skip around. In this week's class I assigned a design challenge and we go through some of the other student's design approaches before I show the approach I took.


Video Timestamps


21:45 This week's Design Challenge - Design a container with ridges for strength that can be printed in vase mode; change default slicer settings to increase extrusion width.  Discussion on designing your own drawer storage containers

33:12 Review of designs posted on the fb page

37:25 Ed's approach to the design challenge

46:44 John Aponte's design approaches - One version in the Solid Environment and the other in Forms

52:23 Vladimir's Approach to the design challenge

1:22:17 Discussion of best practices when 3D printing text

1:30:43 Stan's question on simulating nautilus gears

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